Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Preseason Points of Emphasis

The Bobcats' first preseason game is tomorrow night. Here's where my attention will be focused:

Raymond Felton's shooting. Last season, Felton took the most shots on the team, but had the second-worst shooting percentage. Felton cannot continue to heave those long, errant jump-shots. He also needs to shoot less. Richardson, Wallace, and Okafor are all superior scoring options, and Felton must focus on feeding them the ball. Felton no longer has to carry the offensive load; this season, he must be a pass-first guard. That is a difficult, but crucial, transition.

Okafor & Wallace's free throw percentage. Okafor and Wallace were a combined 484 for 742 (65%) from the free throw line last season. That's a lot of points left on the table. If Okafor and Wallace could each boost his FT% by 10%, the team would be in a significantly better position to win games. I hope this was a point of emphasis in the off-season.

Sam Vincent's demeanor. Vincent said all the right things in training camp, and installed an offense that could score a lot of points. But I have no idea how he'll coach on game day. Between shuffling lineups, addressing refs, and managing the clock, Vincent will be cutting his NBA teeth this month.

Should be fun to watch.


Anonymous said...

In response to a post on another blog on this site, I do not know if the Blog Squad will be returning this season, but I hope so. I think Dudley has been invited to write a blog. Yea and Pete was good for the blog, but he didn't post nearly as often as the other fan blogger did. Pete also didn't write about as much basketball oriented stuff. Anyone contacted the Bobcats to find out about this along with the supposed website redesign?

Anonymous said...



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