As I said in an early post on this blog, Jared Dudley is going to be very good. Not just five-minutes-a-game good. Dudley is going to be in the hunt for Rookie of the Year. An AP writer, Mike Cranston, wrote an interesting article on Dudley today. He notes that Dudley is objectively unathletic, but is nevertheless very good at basketball. Personally, I don't care how fast you run the 40 if you average a double-double. Is it possible that Dudley will emerge as the Bobcats' version of David Lee? I sure think so.
Elsewhere, RealGM reviewed the Charlotte Bobcats yesterday. I hope to address this review in greater depth tomorrow. For now, I'll simply provide a link.
Here is a schedule of the Bobcats games that will be televised on News 14 Carolina. Looks like they'll be broadcasting about 50 games. I'm pleased to see that they'll be airing so many away games in February and March, when the Bobcats are almost constantly on the road.
Kudos to Rick Bonnell of the Charlotte Observer, who has reemerged from his off-season cocoon and is providing consistent updates on the team's progress in training camp. I'm glad to have him back.
Finally, I invite you all to bookmark this page and check back regularly. I'll be updating daily when the season begins (I update nearly daily now, truth be told). I'm excited about the growth of this blog, and I enjoy reading your feedback in the Comments section.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
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I love the fact that so many games will be on TV and that Bonnell is reporting again, but just so you know there was a decent news source before him. Matt Rochinski does do a god job at giving the behind the scenes stuff in his blog, but even before him the Bobcats have had a "Blog Squad" with players (Carroll & May), coaches, staff, and 2 fans contributing which as a whole did a nice job I thought. So there was a news source other than the Charlotte Observer before him, which revealed things like a new court design way before the observer even commented on it. Just thought I would let the hardcore Bobcats fans know!
Thanks for the response. I read every Blog Squad post last season - I agree that it was very good. Pete Reynolds, one of the consistent posters, cracked me up.
Thanks for pointing that out. Do you know if the Blog Squad will return this season?
I do not know if the Blog Squad will be returning this season, but I hope so. I think Dudley has been invited to write a blog. Yea and Pete was good for the blog, but he didn't post nearly as often as the other fan blogger did. Pete also didn't write about as much basketball oriented stuff.
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